The ANS Samuel Glasstone Award is administered jointly by the Student Sections Committee (SSC) and the Education, Training and Workforce Development Division (ETWDD) of the ANS. The purpose of the Glasstone Award is to recognize and reward outstanding student sections. Recipients receive a monetary award and a certificate. 

Glasstone Award Submissions

Deadline: May 1

Submissions for the Glasstone Award must be received by ANS and the Student Sections Committee by May 1 of the judging year. The judges recognize that this is the thick of finals time for most sections. We can accept reports a little late, but packets need to be finalized a couple of weeks before the ANS Annual Meeting.

Send your submissions as a Microsoft Word (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) document to, and CC:  You will receive a confirmation that your submission was received.

Glasstone award submissions should include a report on your membership and participation, events that the section planned or participated in, and anything else of interest related to the student section. There is no required format, but past reports from winners are provided below to serve as guidance.


Submission Guidelines

Best Practices

Previous Recipients

Congratulations to the Missouri University of Science and Technology Student Section and the
Pennsylvania State University Student Section as recipients of the 2024 Samuel Glasstone Award.

Thank you to all student sections who submitted this past year. We encourage everyone to submit for the next year.

For a complete list a past recipients, please visit:

Prior Glasstone Reports are available for download below:


Best Sections (tied)
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Pennsylvania State University

Second Place (tied)
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez


Best Section
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez

Second Place
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign

Third Place
University of New Mexico

Honorable Mention
Oregon State University


Best Student Sections
University of New Mexico
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Honorable Mentions
University of Wisconsin Madison
Missouri University of Science & Technology


University of Illinois (Best Section)

University of Florida (Honorable Mention)

University of Wisconsin-Madison (Honorable Mention)

Brigham Young University

University of Utah


University of Wisconsin-Madison (Best Section)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Best Section)

University of Florida

University of Michigan



University of Wisconsin-Madison (Best Section)

University of New Mexico (Honorable Mention)

Texas A&M University (Honorable Mention)

Penn State University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


University of Wisconsin – Madison (Best Section)

Penn State University (Honorable Mention).

University of Michigan (Honorable Mention)

University of Missouri-Rolla (Honorable Mention)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Texas A&M University


University of Wisconsin-Madison (Best Section)

Texas A&M University (Honorable Mention)

Ohio State University

Oregon State University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

University of Missouri-Rolla



University of Michigan (Best Section)

University of Wisconsin-Madison (Honorable Mention)

Ohio State University

Texas A&M University

University of Missouri-Rolla


University of Florida (Best Section)

University of Wisconsin-Madison (Best Section)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

University of Missouri-Rolla

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


University of Wisconsin-Madison (Best Section)

Pennsylvania State University (Best Section)

University of Missouri-Rolla (Honorable Mention)


University of Michigan (Best section)

Pennsylvania State University (Honorable Mention)

University of Missouri-Rolla (Honorable Mention)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology